Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Pirate Election Comes To A Close!!!

The official pirate election draws to a close. Who will be the next leader of the disorganized fleets of the pirate empire? Will it be the uncouth Captain Jeff? First Molestation Mate David Bukowski? His fifteen year old loveslave with webbed feet, Pip Carlson? Or even, the honorable Captain Mike "Grammar-Nazi" Sparrow. (Note: The term "grammar-nazi" has nothing to do with grammar being placed into concentration camps and systematically executed. Or does it?)

The current popular vote:
47% David Bukowski (Democratic Party)
33% Mike Sparrow (Republican Party)
19% Pip Carlson (NOT IN THE A**!!! party)
1% Jeff Sparrow (Independent Party)

Yes Pacific Residents, that is a resounding 47% percent for Sodomy. Be sure to make it out to the poles before they close, or you will be axed. Have a day.

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