Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hi Top sneakers
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Looking for a used car in minneapolis?
It compiles the public and private listings of used cars in minneapolis so you can find and get a great deal!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Top 5 Best and Worst Star Wars Videogames
Why Men are Better than Women?
Haha wow this guy is hilarious. I can't decide if he is a joke or not
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Hilarious Muppet Bloopers
Guy Gets Revenge on Girlfriend for Headache
Guy Gets Revenge on Girlfriend for Headache - Watch more free videos
The Real Flying Lawn Mower
This 100cc engine powered lawn mower has got to be the sexiest UFO out there! "Flying Things", the company behind the flying lawn mower, shows what the machine can do -- and how they go for extra ...
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
April Folls Rick Rolls
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Flying Murder Car
Super Smash Bros Lyrics
How Not to Adopt a Child from Africa
How Not To Adopt a Child From Africa - Watch more free videos
200 Posts!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Cool Bike Trials video
Amazing Bike Skills! - Watch the top videos of the week here
Stupidest Bike Lane
Kobe Behind the Back Pass
Friday, March 28, 2008
Space Shuttle 1... Bird...0
Buy Del Toro Shoes!
Del Toro shoes is a new shoemaker who is modernizing the Prince Albert Slipper. It looks awesome. They have made it so that it can be worn as an everyday shoe, a great looking shoe that you can wear with jeans. The shoe is handmade in Alicante, Spain with only the finest in leather, wood and velvet. I would rock these everyday since the more you wear these and they get the awesome worn in look, the better they would look. These would give anyone a refined sophisticated look. Look at these bad boys.
I am digging the imprint on the sole of the shoe. Looks classy to the max
Check out the Del Toro website.
Del Toro ShoesWorld Record for Coctail Mixing Broken
Haha wow I gues you gotta be good at something. That means he made more than 4 a minute for an hour. This guy would be a party machine
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Table Tennis Top 10 Shots
Table Tennis Top 10 Shots - Funny bloopers are a click away
Busta Rhymes owns lady
Busta Rhymes Owns Stupid British Woman - Watch more free videos
NYC COPS beatdown
Video footage of New York cops clubbing and arresting peaceful Tibetan protesters who were merely walking down the street has gone relatively ignored beyond Youtube.
While stories emerge out of China every day of police beating and killing Tibetan protestors in the streets, the same sort of behavior by cops in America tells its own story.
The footage was shot at a free Tibet peaceful assembly in New York on the 14th of March.
It shows the protestors holding flags and signs and peacefully walking down the street towards the UN building in the Turtle Bay neighborhood only to be accosted by police officers with batons.
One officer identified as "Delgado" is seen in the video pushing people as the group crosses the street.
Another officer, identified as "Serano" is caught threatening to kill two protesters as the cameraman passes. He later admits to the threat and apologizes for it.
As the group nears the UN building, cop cars and vans screech onto the sidewalks, cops pour out and begin to beat the protesters with clubs as UN security guards observe without becoming involved.
A non uniformed officer, who seems to be directing the entire operation, then orders the cameraman to step back and move away.
"Look at these cops, clubbing people in front of the UN, unbelievable, protesting to free Tibet, cops clubbing people in their legs on the sidewalk, in front of the UN in America, unbelievable, this is not China." the American cameraman announces in disbelief.
The officer identified as Serano then forces the cameraman away from the melee, telling him to shut the camera off and that he will not talk to him because he may be a reporter.
Several officers then follow the cameraman asking him about his recording of the incident.
Whoops Hillary wasnt lying
Slow Motion Slap
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
More about Hillary in Tulza
Quentin Tarantino Tribute
Get in the club-Just pretend your the DJ!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cool Optical Illusion
Lady Goes Crazy in Court
Monday, March 24, 2008
So the other day I’m sitting in iTunes picking out a new playlist to listen to while writing an article. I realized I should just make a whole playlist about the whole SEO, affiliate marketing, article marketing experience. I realize that this playlist is really not about SEO but “The SEO Mixtape” sounds a lot cooler than “affiliate marketing mixtape.” Without further ado, The SEO Mixtape

1. Naïve- By the Kooks
Yeah you know we all went through this stage. That eBook that promised MILLIONS in just HOURS. “Well hot damn, I know a lot of people are making money online how hard could this be?” we all thought. Yeah somehow that didn’t work out so hot. Most people give up at this point.
2. A Cause Des Garsons- Yelle
I have no idea what this song talks about, it is in French. In fact I am pretty sure that I even spelled the title of it wrong. The song is gibberish to me just like all the terms used online are gibberish when you start. Monetenize? What does that even mean? Why cant we just say put ads on your website? Optimize Campaigns? Is that a new Transformer?
3. 5 times out a 100- Hot Hot Heat
Oh my god how awesome would it be if every site you made, every campaign you ran, everything you do had a 5% click through rate. I think it’s a goal we all aspire too. Everything we do online seems to aspire to this miracle number. 5 times out of a Hundred. Tell me what my odds are.
4. Return the Favour- The Hives
Yeah let’s do a link exchange! Ill stumble you if you stumble me! Dugg It! Return the Favour online and you’ll get somewhere. Slowly but surely you will get somewhere.
5. What I’m Looking For-Brendan Benson
A song for those of us who feel a need to keep trying new ways to make money online instead of committing to just one. If you have tried running a successful straight up blog, affiliate marketing, yahoo answer campaigns, Pay per click, heck even being paid per post, and after all that are still trying to find an idea that works for you, this ones for you!
6. Trying Not to Think About Time-The Futureheads
“What time is it? Shit!” Uh-oh. The sun has gone up and come down for the day and you didn’t see it once that entire time. Instead you were online researching keywords and writing. 12 hours later… Where did that time go? Why didn’t I just get a 9-5 job?
7. Wrestlemania 5: Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man…Winner gets Miss Elizabeths Love. –Daggermouth
This song actually has nothing to do with Wrestlemania 5 but I figured the song captured a well known problem in the community. “I am going to get on the computer and WORK! I just need to check email first. Oooh New facebook wall post. They linked me to a hilarious wrestlemania video. HAHA, that was great, I wonder what other funny wrestling videos there are…” 2 hours later: What did I get on this computer to do? CRAP! If only we didn’t have the internet to distract us from working on the internet so much more would get done.
8. Get That Dough-Lil Wayne
If you have ever used a MySpace friend adder, bundled screensavers with adware, or scraped blog posts then pull on your dancing shoes. This song is for you. Make that dough by any means necessary, amirite. Lil Wayne understands you. He also enjoys Getting that Dough by any means necessary. So get ready to boogie
9. The Competition- Kimya Dawson
Yeah I know, I put that horrible singer from Juno on this awesome mix tape. I know. But listen to this song. It is for those days when you just spent a ton on a PPC campaign and didn’t get a single conversion. This is for those days when your site is still getting just two visitors a day. You can’t give up yet. You got to show them. You can do it!
10. Its Not Over Yet-Klaxons
Yeah so you finally got a successful site going. Things are great. But getting 10,000 visitors a day suddenly is not enough, you still want more. Making 100 dollars a day suddenly isn’t enough, and now you want 200. Its not over, Its not over, Its not over yet.
So the other day I’m sitting in iTunes picking out a new playlist to listen to while writing an article. I realized I should just make a whole playlist about the whole SEO, affiliate marketing, article marketing experience. I realize that this playlist is really not about SEO but “The SEO Mixtape” sounds a lot cooler than “affiliate marketing mixtape.” Without further ado, The SEO Mixtape

1. Naïve- By the Kooks
Yeah you know we all went through this stage. That eBook that promised MILLIONS in just HOURS. “Well hot damn, I know a lot of people are making money online how hard could this be?” we all thought. Yeah somehow that didn’t work out so hot. Most people give up at this point.
2. A Cause Des Garsons- Yelle
I have no idea what this song talks about, it is in French. In fact I am pretty sure that I even spelled the title of it wrong. The song is gibberish to me just like all the terms used online are gibberish when you start. Monetenize? What does that even mean? Why cant we just say put ads on your website? Optimize Campaigns? Is that a new Transformer?
3. 5 times out a 100- Hot Hot Heat
Oh my god how awesome would it be if every site you made, every campaign you ran, everything you do had a 5% click through rate. I think it’s a goal we all aspire too. Everything we do online seems to aspire to this miracle number. 5 times out of a Hundred. Tell me what my odds are.
4. Return the Favour- The Hives
Yeah let’s do a link exchange! Ill stumble you if you stumble me! Dugg It! Return the Favour online and you’ll get somewhere. Slowly but surely you will get somewhere.
5. What I’m Looking For-Brendan Benson
A song for those of us who feel a need to keep trying new ways to make money online instead of committing to just one. If you have tried running a successful straight up blog, affiliate marketing, yahoo answer campaigns, Pay per click, heck even being paid per post, and after all that are still trying to find an idea that works for you, this ones for you!
6. Trying Not to Think About Time-The Futureheads
“What time is it? Shit!” Uh-oh. The sun has gone up and come down for the day and you didn’t see it once that entire time. Instead you were online researching keywords and writing. 12 hours later… Where did that time go? Why didn’t I just get a 9-5 job?
7. Wrestlemania 5: Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man…Winner gets Miss Elizabeths Love. –Daggermouth
This song actually has nothing to do with Wrestlemania 5 but I figured the song captured a well known problem in the community. “I am going to get on the computer and WORK! I just need to check email first. Oooh New facebook wall post. They linked me to a hilarious wrestlemania video. HAHA, that was great, I wonder what other funny wrestling videos there are…” 2 hours later: What did I get on this computer to do? CRAP! If only we didn’t have the internet to distract us from working on the internet so much more would get done.
8. Get That Dough-Lil Wayne
If you have ever used a MySpace friend adder, bundled screensavers with adware, or scraped blog posts then pull on your dancing shoes. This song is for you. Make that dough by any means necessary, amirite. Lil Wayne understands you. He also enjoys Getting that Dough. So get ready to boogie
9. The Competition- Kimya Dawson
Yeah I know, I put that horrible singer from Juno on this awesome mix tape. I know. But listen to this song. It is for those days when you just spent a ton on a PPC campaign and didn’t get a single conversion. This is for those days when your site is still getting just two visitors a day. You can’t give up yet. You got to show them. You can do it!
10. Its Not Over Yet-Klaxons
Yeah so you finally got a successful site going. Things are great. But getting 10,000 visitors a day suddenly is not enough, you still want more. Making 100 dollars a day suddenly isn’t enough, and now you want 200. Its not over, Its not over, Its not over yet.
Mean Bunny Easter Prank
Hot Tubbin on the Late Night
Awesome Diss Track on MIMS
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The best Police Sketch Artist Ever
Vice President Santiago
Toad Babies Emerging from Mothers Back
oh god why
Hillary in Tulza
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hillary 3 A.M. Ad owned
You Suck at Photoshop #9
Small House seems large
Friday, March 21, 2008
Fox News Anchors Can't even stomache the "news"
Every other Line Rider Video Put to shame
TRANSCENDENTAL that puts all of them to shame! The level of detail and time that must have gone into this is insane. This is really cool
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Thats awesome. I am not going to say hes ispirational or any of that stuff but it is pretty interesting.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hahahaha Bad Call on Mad Money
Gas at 5.20 a gallon in some places
oh jeez. i need to clean off my bike
Basketball Game RickrROLLED
Haha although I am sad to see the rickrolling is going mainstream it really does never get old.
Monday, March 17, 2008
This guy is CRAZY
This isnt real is it????
If this is real I am shocked. Michigans economy is the very worst and its not even that bad here yet. I hope this isnt real.
oh man what a proud day for us lol. that dome its shot in is our towns biggest claim to fame. its the worlds largest wooden dome
Bulgarian Music Idol
Hhahahahaha this video is gold. This lady from bulgaria trys to sing without you by mariah carey. its so hard to understand what she is saying
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Star Wars, A Cardboard Hope
Anon vs Scientology
compared to this
the second is much better
and finally in case you had not had your fill of scientologists,
More Pranks!!!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Glass Door Prank
Joe Rogan Owns Heckler
Joe Rogan Owns UFC Heckler - Watch more free videos
Tony Hawk still rules
Friday, March 14, 2008
My super sweet 16.
Improv Everywhere Strikes again
They do a musical in the food court of a mall.
Taxi to the Dark Side
Thursday, March 13, 2008
New Lil Wayne
The Incredible Hulk Trailer
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
First the Cupid Shuffle, now this....
Now this video doesnt make in entirely but the g-slide is like a modified version of the electric slide. Lil Mama explains it better herself here.
Get ahead of the trend. Learn this now.
Internet Commentator Funeral
Walrus Dancing
Cheap ways to help the earth
Sure, you've seen An Inconvenient Truth and cringed at the image of that CGI polar bear swimming in the ocean for miles, with no ice in sight. Since you don't want any polar bear blood on your hands, you've resolved to go greener by eating organic, switching over to CFL light bulbs, supporting only eco-conscious businesses, and doing whatever else Al Gore asks of you.its from http://www.gimundo.com/Articles/Daily/883
The only problem? Environmentalism can be very expensive. You can spend your entire weekly grocery budget on a few packages of organic meat at Whole Foods, and that eco-friendly bamboo t-shirt you ordered last week didn't come cheap, either. While you'd love to save the planet, you'd also like to keep your kitchen pantry stocked with something more than ramen noodles.
Luckily, you don't need to choose between paying your mortgage and stopping global warming – there are plenty of ways you can go green without spending a single dollar. Here are some of our favorite ways to help the earth when you're on a budget.
Recycle. Simple, free, easy. Plus, in some states, you'll even get money back for recycling cans and bottles – and what's more budget-friendly than that?
Don't buy new stuff. Whether you're looking for furniture, books, appliances, or clothing (except underwear – we draw the line there), avoid paying top-dollar at retail shops. By buying second-hand goods or using a free trading service like Freecycle, you can get what you need for cheap or free, without supporting industries that draw on the Earth's precious resources.
Do it yourself. Rather than buying expensive green cleaning products, make your own with household supplies. You've probably already got everything you need to create all-natural, eco-friendly household cleaners. To make a scrubbing solution that's perfect for cleaning bathtubs, simply combine half a cup of baking soda with enough liquid detergent to make a spreadable solution. For an earth-friendly window cleaning spray, an oven cleaner, a furniture polish, and more, check out Care2's list of great green cleaning mixes.
Green your commute. Can't afford to buy a pricey hybrid? No problem - there are plenty of other ways to reduce your carbon footprint. If you live near the office, try biking there instead of driving whenever the weather's nice enough (also a great way to work out for free). If not, buy a monthly bus pass, or try carpooling with a neighbor - read our tips for finding a driving buddy here.
The most eco-friendly commute of all, of course, is telecommuting. Your boss may not let you work in your PJs every day, but if you can score a single day each week to work from home, you could drastically reduce your carbon emissions each year. So if your boss still isn't buying it, tell him the Earth depends on it and he just might cave. Check out this article for more great tips to win him over.
Grow your own food. Depending on where you live, this may not always be an option – but generally, we can all find at least a few months a year when it's easy to grow herbs, fruits, and vegetables, which can supplement our daily diet while reducing our carbon footprint. If you don't have a garden plot to call your own, you can still get in on the game – visit this site to find your nearest community garden, where you'll be welcome to plant your own crops.
Flip the switch. It's one of the easiest ways to conserve power, but sometimes it can be tough to remember to turn off lights and electronic equipment when they're not in use. Whenever you leave a room, make a point of turning off the lights, TV, computer, and any other appliances or electronics if you know you won't be back within the next few minutes. And, as each light bulb burns out, make the switch to energy-saving CFL bulbs to stay green even while you're using power. CFLs cost a bit more than regular light bulbs, but you'll more than make up for the extra few dollars when it comes time to pay your electric bill.
check it out yooooooo
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
4/20 Remix
Hahah if you have seen this video before, its even funnier with yakety sax playing. Check it out
Monday, March 10, 2008
Cupid Shuffle
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Kimbo Slice
Tomorrow We Work
Friday, March 07, 2008
Awesome Kayaking video
Sigur Ros video
The cinematography on this looks amazing. my roommate has ordered a copy of it so I cant wait to see how it turns out!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Camera Bags
Camera Bags!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
awesome thread
check it out. i cant wait to see what other adventures he gets up to
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
it is theinforexperts.com