Thursday, September 30, 2004

Delay Not! Read it instantly!

This text is actually just here to distract you while a group of bruly
ex-convicts breaks into your house, brutally bludgeons your family
members, and your pasty, bulbous, Krispy Kreme devouring derriere or your
lean, muscular, jock-like, grocery-bagging derriere is drug out and shot.
Even is you read this, you are being drug out and shot. No? If you are
still reading this, that is not a good thing for me, because you are
not being drug out and shot and you are becoming less and less
interested in what you are currently reading. Though my burly
ex-convicts could be late, in which case your pasty, bulbous, Krispy
Kreme devouring derriere or your lean, muscular, jock-like, grocery-bagging
derriere is almost currently being drug out and shot while I distract you
with this typing and ... you are still reading this aren't you. Crap.
Now I am starting to look stupid. Why are you still reading this? My
burly ex-cons obviously haven't arrived to drag you out and shoot you,
ergo, you should go do something with your life, such as playing a
"Constructive" video game where you shoot things, or beating a

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