Directors James Cameron ("Terminator," "Aliens," "Avatar"), David Fincher ("Alien3," "Fight Club," "Zodiac," "Benjamin Button"), Zack Snyder ("Dawn of the Dead," "300," "Watchmen") and Gore Verbinski ("The Ring," the "Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy) have all signed on to create segments for a new “Heavy Metal” movie, and that the “Kung Fu Panda” team of Mark Osborne and Jack Black will contribute a segment as well.
This is incredible. “An amazing amount of talent,” is probably the only way I’d know how to describe that group of directors. Scoring James Cameron not only as an Executive Producer, but also as a director for one of the segments is a major win. Although, considering the subject matter, I could see how Cameron’s love of science fiction solidified his involvement.
I think I’m on cloud nine right now!
Heavy Metal 2000