Hey folks, Todd here. I'm pissed. After watching the TWILIGHT MOVIE AWARDS on MTV - I decided to try and watch some Blu Rays. It seems that Lionsgate and MGM/FOX's Blu-Rays on films in the last 2 weeks have decided not to be compatible with my Blu Ray player. Joy. All the other companies' Blu-Rays play wonderfully, but something new in the mastering process is fucked and this is probably going to require me to get a new player... again. Joy. Even though until the last month, it has faithfully played every single Blu Ray disc I've gotten.
So then, I decide... ok, let's see what's on HD Cable. My Cable provider is TIME WARNER Mineapolis. And as I'm going through the movie channels - my continual disappointment at a lack of good movies on HBO, CINEMAX and SHOWTIME aggravates me. So I skip past to where my favorite channel USED to reside... HD MOVIES. That channel has the best titles available online, uninterrupted - at least until the glorious day that TCM HD becomes a reality.
Turns out - TIME WARNER Minneapolis has decided to DICK its loyal customers around by not renewing Mark Cuban's HD NET and HD MOVIES. I've been a customer for about 12 years now. I've put up with their outtages as just a tech issue, but these sorts of problems really tick me off. Last year I had to deal with them shafting us with NBC for way too long. It really just is too much.
I really hope all of you locals affected call and give Time Warner a piece of your mind. I have - and will again!