Monday, December 12, 2005


I just read a slightly out of date article from the LATIMES. The writer of the article insists that movies (at least in theatres) are dead. Before I disagree, you gotta read the article first.
Heres my two cents on the issues: Yes, this year has not been profitable for Hollywood. Yes, there is also a bumper crop of movies eligible for Razzberrys. I think that the correllation between the two is strong, and thus, Hollywood should not be shouting doomsday yet. Will theatres always be as popular as they were entering the 21st century? HECK NO! As more and more technologys are introduced that allow you to consume media wherever you want, whenever you want theatre use will continue to decline. The demand for movies and entertainment is only going to increase. But increasingly people are going to demand specialized content. The age of america having a sweetheart actor is gone. The future is content about what I specifically want, not necessarily a wide audience. So I guess my oppinion is the same as the writer of the article but in a diffrent way. I dont think that Hollywood is dead by a long shot but Hollywood is going to have to adapt.