Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Dark Horizons has an article about how J.K Rowling has recently done an interview saying that Harry Potter 7 is the absolute final book. There is no more possibility of it ever being continued pass book 7. She also said people will have to wait and see if Harry lives to reach adulthood. J.K ROWLING ROCKS THE BOAT PEOPLE! I dont really want to even think about how she could kill off another major character. First off, I dont even think that unless Voldemort wins, Harry could die in the storyline. If their lives are entertwined so that one has to kill the other, then either Voldemort wins, Harry dies or Harry wins, Voldemort dies. It would be a crushing finish to a great seriesif Harry dies, so if Harry does die, it better be pretty well justified by the story. Personally I just think that J.K. is playing a card to distract and worry people. In all likelihood, Harry will not die. But I could be eating those words in a couple years when the books come out, so we will see!
Original Article