Tuesday, December 13, 2005


December 13th is a major day in moviemaking and general culture.
The first reason for this is today is American Edit Resistance day. American Edit was a mashup album of Green Days "American Idiot" that got banned a meer 10 days after its release. BoingBoing has a much better article on it than I could write, so I will just link to that. At the bottom of the article is the link to the download site. The downloads stop at midnite, so hurry up!
BoingBoing Article

The second reason is tomorrow is the KING KONG REALEASE. Of course some people will see it tonite at the midnite premiere, but for most of us it is tomorrow that is the premiere. The reviews I have read have all been postive and the IMDB page was glowing with excellent remarks. Peter Jackson appears to have worked another miracle and for that I have to give him mad props! If you havent seen the trailer yet go here
If you desire a King Kong review fix, check out The IMDB PAGE/
Other than that, less than 24 hours to go before Kong is UNLEASHED! HAPPY WAITING!!