Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Star Wars Revelations
I LOVED IT! This movie is the height of nerdyness and yet it is sheer genius. The creators need to be hailed for the sheer audacity of this film. The CGI in the movie was better than many professional productions, and the score is once again professional level. There is no Star Wars fan film that compares to this movie, and the only other fan film that even comes close is the famous "5 Year Mission" series. But those are about Star Trek so they cant even come close to the awesomeness that was "Revelations." My only complaint is that the acting in "Revelations" was sub par. They could have stood to get some better actors, but the actors they have are adequate. (On a side note, I found the acting and plot of "5 Year Mission" to be better, but still not as much fun) I would definitely recommend braving the long download. You will not be disappointed.